The master plan for Downtown Jacksonville is a comprehensive playbook and rulebook for attracting private development, enriching the cultural environment and modernizing the infrastructure to reinvigorate the heart of the Jacksonville metro. It is a closely aligned and carefully integrated set of plans – including specific guidance for public infrastructure, a regulatory framework for private development and incentives to encourage desired redevelopment, all based on eight distinct goals and measurable strategic objectives.
The Business Investment and Development Plan (“BID Plan”) is comprised of the Community Redevelopment Area Plan (“CRA Plan”) and Business Investment and Development Strategy (“BID Strategy). Together, the CRA Plan and the BID Strategy strategically prioritize, shape the design of, and implement public infrastructure improvements and support private sector, market-based revitalization initiatives.
The CRA Plan is required by state statue and explains why the DIA exists, what rules the DIA operates under, and what the DIA wants to accomplish. It establishes redevelopment goals – which form the basis for the BID Strategy and provide continuity between the two documents – and includes redevelopment projects that implement the goals such as incentives, programs, marketing, and CRA and City capital projects.
The BID Strategy identifies what the DIA is authorized to spend Tax Increment Finance (TIF) dollars on, strategies on how to spend said dollars, and benchmarks, tasks, and other data points to measure performance. The document also includes criteria for all DIA incentive programs, criteria for analyzing and evaluating unique projects to determine if they could be eligible for incentives, and a Years Tables that guides general phasing and timing for implementing proposed projects, programs, or other initiatives. The Years Tables are not static and can be updated as needed in conjunction with assessment of development activity, the development market, and City CIP Plan.
The Riverwalk Continuity document is a compilation of the interwoven design guidelines and development standards aimed at ensuring a cohesive, secure and engaging experience for those who come to the waterfront for recreation, special events, dining, entertainment or to simply enjoy the scenic beauty of the riverfront environment.
Tracks and analyzes Downtown’s performance in key indicators of urban revitalization, such as development, employment and residential.
The Riverfront Activation Plan is about bringing people and energy to the downtown waterfront. The focus of the Activation Plan is on programs, activities, and events for and by all residents, and what is required to fund, run, and maintain these in years to come.
The Downtown Design Guidebook has been developed to provide design guidance for developments within the Downtown Overlay District while supporting the overall standards in the City’s Zoning Code, Subpart H- Downtown Overlay Zone and Downtown District use and form regulations as codified.
Report includes an inventory of existing Downtown parks including existing conditions, identifies current and future gap needs, offers a long-range vision, and provides guidance on financial planning.
Set of Downtown Brand Guidelines for the following neighborhoods: Brooklyn, LaVilla, City Center, Cathedral Hill and Southbank. Each neighborhood has its own, unique & distinct brand identity, position and plan.
Tracks and analyzes Downtown’s performance in key indicators of urban revitalization, such as development, employment and residential.
The Economic Development Partner Impact Report details the results of the City’s collaborative efforts to strengthen the local economy and increase opportunities for the people of Jacksonville.
The LaVilla Heritage Plan includes design plans for the Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing Park, designed by renowned landscape architect Walter Hood, in the historic LaVilla neighborhood.
Tracks and analyzes Downtown’s performance in key indicators of urban revitalization, such as development, employment and residential.
Consultant: Rummell/Munz, funded by both the DIA and the Jacksonville Transportation Authority
Consultant: Tim Haas, contracted by DIA and the Office of Public Parking
Consultants: HR&A, SWA, Haskell Company
Consultants: HR&A, SWA, Haskell Company
Consultant: POND
Consultant: Strategic Advisory Group
Consultant: Urban Land Institute