Downtown Development
Review Board

The Downtown Development Review Board (DDRB) came under the jurisdiction of the DIA in 2014. The primary function of the DDRB is to review all development and redevelopment projects in Downtown, in accordance with the Downtown Overlay Zoning Code and Design Guidelines. Essentially, the DDRB is the Planning Commission for the Downtown Overlay Zone. The DDRB consists of 20 members: nine voting members and eleven ex officio members, who are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The legislation requires a mix of various expertise on the Board.

Applicants shall follow the complete prescribed application and approval procedure, which provides a two-step review of each project (conceptual and final approval). However, applicants may obtain conceptual and final approval concurrently for smaller projects or projects that do not require substantial alterations.

For information regarding the Downtown Development Review Board, please contact Susan Kelly, Redevelopment Coordinator, at (904) 255-5307 or